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Dress Code


Beulah Heights Elementary School will be enforcing a DRESS CODE for the 2020-21 school year. The dress code will be according to District 60 Policy as stated in the “Student Conduct and Discipline Code.” The purpose of the Student Dress Code is to require students to come to school properly attired to participate in the educational process. School District 60 Board policy states “Student attire shall not pose a threat to the public or personal health or safety. Personal grooming or dress which is disruptive to student behavior or distracting to classroom activity in or about the school shall not be permitted.”

All clothing should be sized to fit without exposing undergarments, buttocks, stomach, or cleavage.

Some items Students are NOT to wear:

  • clothing with inappropriate messages
  • tank tops/ muscle shirts (Shirts must have sleeves) shoes with rollers
  • see-through shirts clothing that promotes drugs/alcohol
  • bandannas slippers and pajamas
  • sagging & oversized jeans/shorts/capris hats
  • shorts/skirts that are more than 4 inches above the knee


For a full list please see the District Code of Conduct Policy.

We encourage the students to be active during their free time to promote a healthy lifestyle, please help your child to dress appropriately for safety reasons. Please also be aware of modest dress practices that will prohibit a call from the school office asking you to provide additional clothing for your child.